About Me
Because I am super interesting, in case you didn’t know.
Hi guys! I’m Anna. I’m one of those jack-of-all-trades artists. But don’t believe all that shit about “master of none,” because I’m pretty sure that half of the saying is made up. Probably all in your head.
I’m a master of at least three things. AT LEAST three. Maybe three and three-quarters.
Let me start things off by letting all y’all know that I am probably the wokest southern cis white woman you’ve ever heard of without actually being a hippy. I delight in ladies, POC, disabled, and LGBTQ+ characters with actual characterization and in leading roles. My personal brand is to have these types of characters be the standard (a la Schitts Creek), but this sort of representation is important from all angles. So if you got minorities, I want to shine a light on them.
My biggest and most-true passion has always been ✨Story✨ When I was young, that passion presented itself as reading and movies. When I was 6, I wrote my first story about my stuffed bunny coming to life. And in true amateur-author fasion, I did not finish the story, but I did print out and color a cover for it. Because we all know the accessories are the most fun part of writing a novel.
I still have that book, btw.
Of all the things I’ve “mastered,” Creative Writing is the one topic that I could EASILY do a Ted Talk on with zero notice. And they’d probably make me stop before I got halfway done, just for time constraints. Story structure, character building, genre expectations, tropes… It became an obsession. How does a person communicate via fiction? The question has always fascinated me. Still does. And if you visit my author blog, you’ll experience first hand just how far down these rabbit holes I’ll willingly go. I have been called insane before lol.
But TO BE FAIR, Community absolutley DID drop the ball by creating a grumpy/sunshine trope for Jeff and Annie and then bailing on it halfway through. Just saying.
Visual arts is a close runner up to writing, though this one I started on much later in life. I am fascinated by color theory and composition. There are genre expectations in visual arts as well. There is still communication there, and I want to understand all of it. I have dived head first into this passion, and it’s the coolest thing ever.
And because of my true obsession with story, of course my path through visual arts would be very bookish. Character, book covers, book imagery, all the things. It delights me.
I do have about a million other hobbies, including spinning thread on my spinning wheel and spindles, crochet, cross stitch, cake decorating, jigsaw puzzles, reading smutty gay fanfiction, candle making, piano, Zelda, and general band-nerdery. Yes, I’m still in community band with my friend horn that I’ve had since I was 14.
OH MY GOD I forgot about my chickens. This entire site was named after them. I am what you might call a Second Generation Crazy Chicken Lady (my mother is also a Crazy Chicken Lady, I’m proud to say, and my brother and nephew have also recently discovered that chickens are god’s most perfect animals).
So if ever you wanna ask about my chickens, go right the fuck ahead, because they are my delight. I have a whole YouTube channel for them and everything, so go check them out.
I have a lovely family with two teenage boys, and my husband is my best friend on the entire planet. We have 2 dogs, a cat, a slew of chickens, and a pond in our front yard that won’t hold water. I’m pretty sure there’s a metaphor in there somewhere.